Covid-19 emergency
The response of the Secretariat for the Claretian Missions ONLUS


The extension of the restrictive measures to avoid coronavirus infections has paralysed many sectors of work activities in all countries, in particular, the almost total blockade of the economic system in third world countries has dramatically penalized families who have long lived in conditions of extreme precariousness. With the long economic crisis we are now witnessing a real food emergency. The initiatives of the Secretariat for the Claretian Missions ONLUS to support these emergencies both in Rome and in other places on the five continents have doubled.

We are facing this reality with a commitment of solidarity and assistance to thousands of disoriented and frightened families due to the serious economic crisis. In concrete terms, we are trying to ensure essential services with the distribution of food packages and basic necessities in the different countries where we are present.



In Rome in recent months the number of homeless people on the streets of the city has increased enormously. We have seen poverty change “colour”: if a few years ago it was mainly immigrants who asked for food, today it is the elderly, unemployed people in difficulty who have lost their homes and families. With many services suspended, the needs of those who live on the street are many, first of all to protect themselves from the cold and hunger.

To cope with the emergency, we have decided to further strengthen the activity in support of homeless people. Thanks to the loving and generous passion of some friends and benefactors, the Secretariat for the Claretian Missions ONLUS is preparing 300 hot meals twice a week for those on the street.

The offerings collected in this fund allow us to quickly distribute basic necessities to families in the different territories affected by the crisis and enrich the canteen of the homeless in Rome.

We need your help! Take part in our initiatives, help us to help!