The Secretariat for the Claretian Missions ONLUS, is an Association of the Missionary Sisters of St. Anthony Mary Claret, with the aim of promoting the development at all levels, of children, young people, women and families in conditions of difficulty and poverty.
Through systems of cooperation in developing countries, the Secretariat works by trying to collaborate in building a world in which each person can lead their life with dignity and access material and intellectual goods in order to become the protagonist of their present and future.
The mission of the Secretariat is inspired by the Claretian charism which has as its missionary centrality “to announce the good news of salvation” and to serve the poorest of the poor with the kindness and tenderness of Jesus. Its purpose is realized through the integral care of people, of the family and their moral, religious, cultural values, through socio-health and educational support and overcoming situations of hardship and need, without pursuing any form of profit.
The poorest of the poor are the preferential recipients of our mission. Through them we manifest the tenderness of God the Father and his compassion for the little ones. Our action is oriented and draws its strength from the prophetic attitudes of Jesus who calls us to value each person as a gift from God, welcoming and respecting differences and loving everyone as brothers and sisters; to promote life by creating the conditions for people to develop their potential and live with dignity and hope.
In order to intervene more effectively and respond concretely to the emergencies of each people, we try to know as much as possible their socio-economic, cultural and religious realities.
“In order to offer an authentic witness of life and mature faith in a world where indifference and atheism is spreading more and more, we, Claretian missionaries, strive to show charity and kindness that testifies to the reality of God’s existence and his love for humankind.” (M. Leonia, S. D., 10/05/1975)